OHMIC Instruments Model AMM-10 Air Line Moisture Monitor is designed to assure that the air delivered to heath care facilities meets the criteria described by ANSI and NFPA-99. The standard was established to prevent the presence of condensation or liquid water in air lines. Condensation leads to corrosion, downtime and increased maintainence cost of pneumatic controls. The air used in respiratory therapy apparatus, ventilators and hyperbaric chambers must be free of excess water vapor. In breathing air systems, precautions must be made to assure that separated water is not respired into the lungs. The Model AMM- 10 is equipped with all the features required for both station and remote monitoring. In addition, the monitor is used in industrial applications for humidity measurement and dew/frost point control.
Model AMM-10 utilizes microprocessor circuitry to convert the voltage output of OHMIC’s HC-610 water vapor sensor and the resistance of an NTC thermistor to dew/frost point, %RH and dry bulb temperature by the use of psychrometric equations. The thermistor measures dry bulb temperature and is used to temperature compensate the humidity readings. The HC-610 water vapor sensor consists of a thin film polymer which varies in dielectric constant proportional to changes in the amount of water vapor present in air. The sensor’s characteristic response curve is stored in the AMM-10’s EPROM memory resulting in accurate and repeatable measurement. The sensor is assembled in a 1/2” NPT stainless steel fitting that is installed directly in pipelines up to 175 PSIG.
• Range: -40 to +80F Dew/Frost Point; 0-100% RH; 0-200F
• Dry Bulb
• Visual and audible alarms; user-settable setpoints
• Remote alarm capable
• Steel NEMA12 enclosure
• Dimensions: 10”x8”x4”; 9 lbs.